@madpilot makes

Garage Door Opener – How can I make this garage door opener secure?

One of the design goals for this project was a secure system – this device can open my garage, and I don’t really want just any person to be able to do that!

Disclaimer: I’m not a security expert! If you find holes in my logic, please let me know!

The most obvious way to interface with the controller was to setup some sort of server that a controller (eg an iPhone app) talks to. The problem with this is that an open network port is an attack vector – if a good guy can connect to a network port, so can a bad guy. While I could set up a username or password, having a port open potentially means buffer overflows, and since I’m not really a C/C++ guy this a big problem for me – I mean a lot of really smart people avoid writing servers in C…

After some research, I found this paper (PDF) talking about the use of the publish/subscriber pattern (AKA pub/sub), where a device connects to as server and subscribes to event notifications. This means there is no port open on the device, so even if an attacker found it’s IP address, there is no way for them to connect to it. It seems MQTT is the IOT pub/sub system of choice (it drives a lot of public IOT platforms).

This of course is not without other issues (not exhaustive – please suggest more if you can think of others):

  1. Problem: If an attacker got on the network, they could just connect to the MQTT server and send a “open” command. Solution: Access control lists (ACL): Only allow certain MQTT clients send certain commands. We would need some way for the server to verify who the client is…
  2. Problem: What if an attacker managed to spoof the IP or MAC address (perhaps through ARP poisoning) they could become a legitimate MQTT server, allowing them to send an open command. Solution: Verify the identity of the server. TLS certificates can help with that. Using a certificate signed by a custom Certificate Authority (CA) means we can guarantee the server is who it says it is. This also fixes the client verification problem from point 1.

After a quick search, I found the mosquitto project – an open source MQTT server which looked pretty easy to setup, supports ACLs and TLS.

Docker all the things

I decided to set it up a test environment using docker, as it makes dependency management much easier, and also makes the setup scriptable, so when it comes time to deploy to “production” I know exactly what I need to do.

You can clone my git repository to get started (I’ve tagged each of the steps so you can play at home – we’ll start with mqtt-1):

git clone https://github.com/madpilot/home-automation
cd home-automation
git checkout -b mqtt-1 mqtt-1
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Congratulations! You now have a working MQTT server running on port 1883. Because it hasn’t configured it yet, the server has no authentication or authorisation – that’s fine for the moment – let’s get the baseline working, then we can add the security layers later.The easiest way to test the server is to use the mosquitto command line client. I’ve included these as part of the docker-compose cluster – in fact, when you ran docker-compose, a subscriber was automatically created (subscribed to the “test” channel) and publisher publishes the first message.

Look through the output on the screen. If you see:

mosquitto-subscriber_1  | Hello World

Everything has worked!You can try it out yourself – run the following command:

docker-compose run mosquitto-publisher -t "test" -m "Hello again"

And you should see

mosquitto-subscriber_1  | Hello again

I’ve been a bit tricky by using a docker entry point to hide away the full command to make sending messages much easier. The full command that gets called is

mosquitto_pub -h mosquitto -t test -m "Hello again"

Which tells mosquittopub to connect to the server with a host name of _mosquitto (Which is set by docker), publish to the “test” channel, and send the message “Hello again”.Now that we have a working MQTT server and a way of testing things, we can start looking at the Arduino side of things.

Garage Door Opener – Setting up the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266

Thankfully, setting up the Arduino IDE to program the ESP8266 this bit was way easier than I thought – the team behind the Arduino library have done a pretty awesome job. I’m not going to duplicate the steps here – the Github page does a great job of explaining it.

Now you should be able to pick the “Generic ESP8266 Module” from the board list. I had to make a guess at the settings, as I had no idea what type I had – the defaults were fine in my case.

Don’t forget to select the right port after you have plugged in the FTDI cable (Tools > Port) – on my Ubuntu machine it switches between /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1 every time I plugged it in, so if you can’t upload code – check that the port hasn’t changed.

Garage Door Opener – Programming the ESP8266

I has an ESP8266-01 kicking around my workshop just waiting for a project, so the garage door opener was a perfect choice – it only needed one output, and two inputs.

The first problem I had though, was I needed to program it. I read that you can use a 3.3V FTDI cable, which I already had – sort of. It’s will interface at 3.3V, but the VCC is 5V.

My first attempt was just using a simple resistor divider, which didn’t work – I’m guessing the load caused to much of a voltage drop.

So I grabbed a LM317T, a couple of switches, and some resistors to build a small interface board. This is based on a number of different circuits I found searching the internet.

ESP8266 Programmer scematic

It’s super simple. I feed in 5V to VCC, and the LM317T outputs 3.3V. The resistors values were calculated using the look up table here.

The two 3k3 resistors ensure that GPIO0 and RST (Reset) pins are held HIGH during boot up (which is required for normal operation).

To program the device, (and you’ll quickly get used to this little dance) you push the RESET, then the PROGRAM button, then release the RESET button first, followed by the PROGRAM button. This ensures that the GPIO0 pin is held LOW during the device boot sequence, putting us in programmer mode!

If all goes well you should see a constant red LED, and a flickering blue LED when you are talking to the device over FTDI.

Here is an artistic picture of my cobbled-together breadboard (it’s the blurry bit down the bottom):

My Ghetto ESP8266 programmer
